Monday, April 19, 2010

When surrounded by poverty...

I am officially leaving tomorrow to start my journey towards Zambia. I'm a little stressed though trying to get 6 weeks worth of school ready, pack for Zambia and Nairobi, arrange dog needs, workers needs, electricity needs, grocery needs, my needs...

I was a bit overwhelmed today, and actually I'm still overwhelmed. It all built up to a breaking point today and I just broke down and cried.  One of my worker's wife has been in the hospital for the past 4 days with bleeding. The bill came to 10,000 kwatcha. His monthly salary is just under 7,000 kwatcha if that puts it in perspective for you.  So, when he comes to me, Mama Reeder, and asks for my help because he has no money and the hospital will not let her leave without the money...what do you do?

Jesus said to give to those in need. Whatever you do for the least of these, you do to me. If you have 2 coats, and someone asks for one, give it to him.

So when you are surrounded by poverty, who do you give to? When everyone around you is in need, where is the cut off so that you yourself aren't left in poverty, or worse yet, add to the helplessness mentality?

Things I've been struggling with lately...and I can't come up with a good answer.

I have 3 workers that depend upon me to provide for them and their families, so when a big problem arises, they come to usually concerns money. So, when do you say no?

If you have any wisdom, I would love to hear it.

1 comment:

  1. You pray for discernment (constantly--ahead of time), follow what you believe God is telling you to do in that moment, and leave the consequences to Him. I love your tender, compassionate heart--our Father is pleased with that.


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