Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Date??

I have to go to the Hotel up the street to get internet, so that is where I was last night from about 7:00-9:30.

I was sitting in the lounge, and there was another party sitting across from me, laughing, eating, etc. We were both there for a long time.

I wanted to order some food, so I headed to the reception desk. On my way, one of the men asked "How are you?" I answered polietly, and continued on my way. One thing about Malawians, they are ALL about their greetings. It's rude not to greet people.

So, on my way back to my seat, this man stops me again. This time he asks me all kinds of questions like "Why are you here?" "How long have you been here?" "What organization are you with?" This isn't strange. In fact, I answer these same questions almost everyday! People are curious why white people would come here. So, I answer and then he informs me that he is a Member of Parliment (our government) and the Minister of Labor.

I realize I'm talking to a big wig, and he is part of the "rich" here in Malawi. I head back over to my seat, but he follows me over there.

"Here's my business card. I would like one of yours!"
"Oh sorry sir, I don't have one."
"Well then, give me your phone number instead."

Okay, this isn't like it is in the States. Cell phones here are kinda a big deal, so everyone exchanges numbers all the time. I was a little leary, but I didn't know how to polietly refuse. So, I gave it to him. He proceeded to call my phone right then to make sure I gave him the right one.

I was a little bewildered by the whole thing. Then, the group decided to leave. And he comes back over to my chair and says,
"So I will be in Mzuzu until Friday, why do we go get drinks tomorrow night?"

So I say the first thing that comes to my mind... "Um, well as Baptist we aren't allowed to do that actually."
I meant, GO ON DATES.

He thought, GO GET DRINKS.

"Oh, that's right, they are strict. Well then, we can go for lunch on Thursday then. I will call you."

I was speechless!! This 40ish year old guy, a member of PARLIMENT, just asked ME out on a DATE!

He left, and I was a little shaken up. It was really dark and I was alone. I even made sure I wasn't follwed home!

So, this morning, the first thing we did....

We went and got a new cell phone number. :)


  1. you, my dear friend, are just too irresistible for your own good! Love and miss you!

  2. Yeah but if you got a new number how is he going to call you to go on your date?

  3. O My, be careful friend... I am worried for you! Don't go out alone after dark... You are too pretty and your skin color doesn't allow you to blend in very well. :)

  4. hahahahahahhahahah!!!!! am i the only one laughing? maybe I should stop. You sexy box you ;) I guess i need to get you're new number now :)

  5. Your solution cracks me up. You are definitely turning into an African! :D Get it, girl...

  6. Don't forget to invite me to your wedding! I mean you're going to be a foreign diplomats girlfriend I'm sure you can swing a couple of flights to Africa :)


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