Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Sis!

I taught her how to read.
I taught her how to play the piano.
I taught her how to get out of bed and get me a cup of water at night with her thinking it was a fun game.
All by the time she was 4.

She was a pain in my rear end, but we played together constantly when we were younger.
I remember playing "school" in our playhouse in our backyard on many occasions.

How we have countless home videos of me being pretty much her "second" mom.
Then, we started to grow up, and we are pretty different people.
She got old enough to where she was way smarter than me. I was always asking her how to spell a word or what something meant. (and still do!)

She almost got better than me at playing Super Mario too.
I was the athlete and she was the cheerleader, but we both got to be leads in the school play.

She is short, blond and blue-eyed, and I'm tall with dark hair and eyes...but we have really similar humor.

I love teaching kiddies, but it makes her want to claw her eyes out.
I hate law, but she thrives when in a law office/in an argument.

And today, she turned 22.
Ahh...22...what a young age! :)

Sis, no matter how different we are, I'm so glad to call you sister.
I'm so sorry I can't be there for your college graduation, but I couldn't be more proud!
You are so incredibly smart and talented, and you have accomplished so much even with big obstacles in your way! I miss you so much and can't wait to laugh with you when I get back. See you soon!!!

I love you! Happy Birthday!


  1. That's my GIRLS!!! So blessed to be your mother! You both make me very proud. I pray you will always love each other, support each other, and "have each other's back". mom

  2. we are recreating this picture in 2 months. WINNING.


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