Saturday, July 17, 2010

26!...It rounds to 30.

The hotel where I do my internet has been down since the 2nd of July. This means no updates for June, no happy birthday emails, no reports, no personal emails that have been trapped in my outbox of Mac Mail have been able to be sent out.

That also means no video skyping for my birthday week. Pity party for myself. :)

But I did have one awesome birthday on Monday. We went out to the lake for the day called Chintechi Inn. WOW! I felt like I was in the bahamas! White white green water...little thatch roof huts sprinkled along the beach, and no one around. It was glorious!

We saw baboons on our way there, drove through the rubber plantation, and ended the night with birthday cake, chili for dinner, and a little Jane Austen, Emma. A super birthday.

Maybe when I get my internet back I can put up pictures.

So thanks everyone for all of the birthday wishes. I needed to hear from people back home so badly. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And a special Happy Birthday to Paul Hart, Megan Griffith, and Bethany Crescenzi who all have birthdays with me. Wish I could be with you guys! Love you!!

Also, thanks mom for the birthday package that I got a day after my birthday. I cried like a baby as I read all the cards. There's something about seeing your family's handwriting that is very precious, and I've never cherished it until now. I love you!!


  1. Love you to the moon and back! Love you more than rainbows! Love you like 'whoa'! Love you THIIIIIIIISS MUUUUUUCHHH!(arms out wide)!!
    WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!!!

  2. I actually read this like two days ago but wanted to comment on it! It made me feel so special to have a shout out in your blog!! Woot, woot!! I'm so glad that you had such an amazing birthday!! God is good!!


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