Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Do I have a wing in my teeth?

My good friend Kathryn and her family live in Uganda. She blogs all the time (way more consistent than me) and she always does a good job of explaining life overseas, like little everyday things that I guess us living over here take for granted...like hand plowing fields, women carrying wood on their head, a baby on their back, walking uphill, and crocheting all at the same time. Anyway, you should check out her blog sometime...(its on my sideboard - Livin' the Good Life).

So, I mention Kat because this post is kinda like that. I hadn't really thought twice about the flying ant season this year, but I figured I would share that experience with you because it isn't something we experience in America.

Maggie and I decided to go out to eat the other night. Taryn, one of the friends I saw in Madrid, thought it was quite funny about the 5 places I have to choose from to eat at here in Mzuzu.
So here they are:
A1 Indian Cusine
Graceland (malawian cusine)
Hot n' Spice Indian Cusine
Big Bite
(They basically all sell the same thing: Chicken n' chips or nsima.)

Well, Foodland is the new "hip" place in town so we decided to go there. It is owned by an Iranian guy and they sell the typical chicken n' chips, nsima, the african version of pizza, and that's pretty much it. Well, as we walked into the restaurant since it was dusk, the flying ants were everywhere, and they were really attracted to the lights.

As we were standing there talking to one of the waitresses, white ants are flying all around us. I felt them crawling up my legs, hit me in the face, and land in my hair ...you just kind of ignore them. They are covering the floor, and you can't really step without stepping on one of them. No lie: I saw one guy just kind of pick it off him and eat it. heh.

I mean, can you imagine that happening in the states? Talk about not getting an "A" for the health code! I think the most bizarre part was that I was okay with it and it seemed pretty normal.

Side note: the 60 year-old Iranian guy that runs the place? I thought he was just being nice and chatting with us all that time...nope. Find out later its because he wants me to be his wife.

And that my friends is another reason I'm now wearing my fake engagement ring!


  1. Oh friend, TIA indeed!!! :) Definitely laughed out loud alone in my living room! ;) Love you dearly!!

  2. I'm hoping this means you won't scream like a girl anymore when you see a cockroach in America. ;) lol. Love you!!


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