Tuesday, February 16, 2010

One month down...

I have officially been a resident of Africa for a month now. Its crazy to think that I've been gone that long. It really doesn't feel like it.

Good news is that the family I'm working with will be in Malawi on the 25th! We are moving to Mzuzu the first week of March! I haven't seen my house yet but the one thing that everyone says about it is, "wow! that house is huge!" :) (I have also heard there may be monkeys in the back yard!)

I have moved into a guesthouse to give living by myself a go. They thought it would be good to getting me used to living in Mzuzu. So, this is officially my first night living alone. Surprisingly, I'm doing pretty well.

Here's some numbers to break down my past month in Malawi:

100 - number of pumpkin leaves I have peeled as I sat in the dirt with village women.

62 -  the number of glass bottle Cokes I have drank since arriving on the continent. :)

45 - number of orphans I have already fallen in love with and want to adopt.

16 - number of movies I've watch since I've arrived in Malawi...(this doesn't include TV series shows)

5 - number of times the power went out one day.

4 - number of times I have eaten a meal with my hands eating Nsima (think playdough)

3 - number of times I've almost hit another car, bicyclist, or pedestrian.

2 - the number of shirts already ruined from perpetual sweating in the armpit area.

1 - number of indecent proposals I've received. This one promised he "would find me a Valentine that night. wink, wink." gross!



  1. Oh praise God! What good news. :) Sometimes I look at the map and smile because of how close it looks like we are. *hug*

  2. 4,529,117 - number of times that we've thought of you!

    we love you and little miss birthday girl sends you her kisses
    : )

  3. I love reading about your adventures! And, I'm so glad you get to finally go HOME! Praying for you today :) LOVE YOU!


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